Weddings are a joyful and wonderful celebration and All Saints' Stamford is pleased to support couples who come to us for their wedding ceremony.  The Church teaches that marriage is a gift from God and we  wish to support you as you prepare for your wedding day.  The day is full of love and joy but there is also a serious legal element to the day which has to be followed. Wedding

Couples looking to get married in All Saints' need what's called a qualifying connection to the church.  This means that you or your fiancee fulfil at least one of the following:

  • you regularly attend services at All Saints' and have done for more than six months
  • you live or have lived within the parish of All Saints' Church for more than six months, to find this out, please click here
  • you were baptised at All Saints' and or/ your confirming church parish was All Saints'
  • your parents have resided in the parish for six months or more, during your lifetime.
  • your parents or grandparents were married at All Saints'

For further information please look at the Church of England website here

If you would like more information or would like to book your wedding at All Saints' please contact Fr. Neil here.


If you live in this parish, your banns will be read automatically, but if you are marrying at All Saints', but live in a different parish, you must have your Banns read in your own parish church too. This is a legal requirement.
If you are marrying elsewhere but live in this parish, you will need to have your banns read at All Saints. Please contact Fr. Neil to make an appointment and complete the form below. There is a fee of £56 (2024) to be paid to
Sort Code: 20-81-20
Account No: 90108162
Account Name: All Saints with St Johns PCC Registered Charity No. 1138066
Please use reference: B followed by your surname.