Sunday 1st December
The First Sunday of Advent
09.45 - Sunday Saints
10.00 - Sung Eucharist
Introit: The Advent Prose
Setting: Todd (Kyrie) and Aston(Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus)
Anthem: Sleepers wake! JS Bach
26 Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding
36 The advent of our King
28 Hark, what a sound
24 Come, thou long expected Jesus
Voluntaries: Hymnus Veni Redempter Gentium - Hieronymus Praetorius
Readings for the Eucharist here
Monday 2nd December
10.00 - Communion and carols with St Gilbert’s choir at Newcomb Court
11.00 - 14.00 - Warm Space at Unity Centre
19.00 - Bell Tower meeting and ringing practice
Tuesday 3rd December
08.45 - Morning Prayer
10.30 - Bible Study, 32 Exeter Gardens
10.30 - Churches Together meeting
19.30 - PCC Standing committee meeting at the Rectory, Little Casterton Road
Wednesday 4th December
08.45 - Morning Prayer
17.30 - Evening Prayer on Zoom. Invitation:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5834 8925
Passcode: 870349
19.30 - Evening Bible Study at the Rectory, Little Casterton Road
Thursday 5th December
08.45 - Morning Prayer
10.00 - 11.30 - Little Saints
10.00 – Said Eucharist followed by coffee in The Crown
12.00 - Staff meeting at the office
Friday 6th December
10.00 – 14:00 Coffee bar
10.00 - 14.00 - Jigsaw, book and craft sale
17.00 - Junior Choir rehearsal
18.45 - Adult choir rehearsal
Next Sunday - Sunday 8th December The second Sunday of Advent
09.45 - Sunday Saints’
10.00 - Sung Eucharist
14.00 - Come and be a chorister
15.00 - Christingle
17.30 - Choral Evensong