All Saints’ Church Weekly Email

Sunday 1st December

The First Sunday of Advent  

09.45 - Sunday Saints

10.00 - Sung Eucharist  


 Introit: The Advent Prose

Setting: Todd (Kyrie) and Aston(Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus)

Anthem: Sleepers wake! JS Bach


26 Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding

36 The advent of our King

28 Hark, what a sound

24 Come, thou long expected Jesus

Voluntaries: Hymnus Veni Redempter Gentium - Hieronymus Praetorius

Readings for the Eucharist here

Monday 2nd December

10.00 - Communion and carols with St Gilbert’s choir at Newcomb Court

11.00 - 14.00 - Warm Space at Unity Centre

19.00 - Bell Tower meeting and ringing practice

Tuesday 3rd December

08.45 - Morning Prayer

10.30 - Bible Study, 32 Exeter Gardens

10.30 - Churches Together meeting

19.30 - PCC Standing committee meeting at the Rectory, Little Casterton Road

Wednesday 4th December

08.45 - Morning Prayer

17.30 - Evening Prayer on Zoom. Invitation: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 5834 8925

Passcode: 870349

19.30 - Evening Bible Study at the Rectory, Little Casterton Road

Thursday 5th December

08.45 - Morning Prayer

10.00 - 11.30 - Little Saints

10.00 – Said Eucharist followed by coffee in The Crown

12.00 - Staff meeting at the office

Friday 6th December

10.00 – 14:00 Coffee bar

10.00 - 14.00 - Jigsaw, book and craft sale

17.00 - Junior Choir rehearsal

18.45 - Adult choir rehearsal

Next Sunday - Sunday 8th December The second Sunday of Advent

09.45 - Sunday Saints’

10.00 - Sung Eucharist

14.00 - Come and be a chorister

15.00 - Christingle

17.30 - Choral Evensong



If getting to the altar to receive communion is a problem, please speak to one of the wardens at the start of the service and you can receive communion in the pew.

Monthly Prayer Meeting

This prayer meeting takes place on the second Monday of the month at the Unity Centre at 15.00. Next meeting: Monday 9th December


Thank you to those who donated fruit for Warm Space, it was much appreciated.

Advent Prayers

Here are some links to give ideas for reflections through Advent and Christmas.   

Follow the Star.  Church of England. Reflections for the Twelve days of Christmas.

www.follow the star 2024.

Embrace the Middle East

Weekly reflections by email in advent and 3 advent vigils


SPCK.  A Good Advent

If you're aware of any others, please let Sally know, to be added to future newsletters.

Jigsaw and book sale
Please bring any jigsaws and books to church on Sunday for the sale next Friday 6th - 10.00 - 14.00. Please see the poster below.

Fundraising and Social Committee
We are looking to create a group to drive fundraising and social events. If you are interested please speak to Father Neil.

Christmas meal at Warm Space

We are planning a Christmas lunch event at the Masonic Hall, aimed primarily at those who need it the most, such as those least well off and those who are lonely or find Christmas time difficult. The lunch will be on Monday 23rd December at 12:00 and is free of charge for all who attend. 

Please could anyone interested book in with Rev Scott via his email - to help with planning spaces. If we fill 80 seats we will then open up another sitting at 15:00. We would ideally like numbers by 9th December, but we will not turn people away if we can help it. If anyone would like to donate a small wrapped gift for us to distribute, please bring to church and hand in to Rev Scott or Sally.

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