All Saints’ Church Weekly Email

Sunday 16th February

Third Sunday before Lent

09.45 - Sunday Saints

10.00 - Sung Eucharist


Setting: Holy Trinity Service - Christopher Tambling

Anthem : Blessed are the pure of heart - Henry Walford Davies


368 - All my hope on God is founded

137 - Alleluia! Alleluia!

174 - Breathe on me breath of God

604 - Through all the changing scenes of life

Voluntary : Alla breve - J S Bach

Readings for the Eucharist here

Monday 17th February

11.00 - 13.30 - Warm Space at Unity Centre

Tuesday 18th February

08.45 - Morning Prayer

10.30 - Bible Study at 32 Exeter Gardens

11.30 - Funeral of Iris Matthews

Wednesday 19th February

08.45 - Morning Prayer

17.30 - Evening Prayer on Zoom. Invitation: 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 5834 8925

Passcode: 870349

NO Evening Bible Study this week

Thursday 20th February

NO Morning Prayer

NO Little Saints

10.00 – Said Eucharist followed by coffee in The Crown

Friday 21st February

10.00 – 14:00 Coffee bar

NO Junior Choir rehearsal

NO Adult choir rehearsal

Next Sunday - Sunday 23rd February

Second Sunday before Lent

09.45 - Sunday Saints’

10.00 - Sung Eucharist

17.30 - Healing Service



If getting to the altar to receive communion is a problem, please speak to one of the wardens at the start of the service and you can receive communion in the pew.

Sunday Saints

We are looking to create a team of volunteers to support Niamh as we grow and develop the Sunday Saints provision. If you are able to help in any way, please speak to Niamh after the service or send an email to

Prayers for peace and hope in the midst of the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Lord God, we pray for the people of Gaza, for safe areas to be established with communications, food, water and medical support.  

Lord, preserve and protect the captive and missing of Israel. May they be returned to their families and receive recovery of body, mind and spirit.

We pray for wise leadership at this critical time in both Israel and Palestine and for neighbouring countries, especially Jordan and Egypt.

May we faithfully pray for peace and justice for all.


Monthly Prayer Meeting

This prayer meeting takes place on the second Monday of the month at the Unity Centre at 15.00. Next meeting: Monday 10th March

Tuesday Bible Study group

You are all welcome to join the Tuesday morning Bible Study group, hosted by David Bond at 32 Exeter Gardens starting at 10.30.

Healing service Sunday 23rd February

Everyone welcome to this reflective service for those seeking spiritual, emotional or physical transformation through God’s love for all.

Palms for Ash Wednesday

Please bring in your palm crosses from last year to burn ready for Ash Wednesday and leave in the collection plate at the back of church.

Warm Space

Many thanks as always for the wonderful donations that Warm Space is receiving each week. We are always very grateful. Some suggested donations this week:

Tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit and fresh onions please. Box at the back of church for donations.  We are now working with the Food Bank and we are able to source vegetables from the bunker, who are grateful that we are putting the vegetables to a good cause. 

With the weather so miserable we were not sure how many would venture out for a meal, but seventeen guests were grateful of a meal and hospitality . Obviously with the generous donation of potatoes last week, potatoes were definitely going to star on this week's menu.

There was potato and leek soup, jacket potatoes with Chilli con carne, homemade coleslaw and cheese, with rice pudding and mango for dessert.

Thank you for those who kindly drop items in the red box each week, we are very grateful, and they are always put to good use.   

Next week we are planning to serve cottage pie. 

Everyone is always welcome, come for a hot drink, come for a meal, come for company and if you would like to volunteer speak to Becky Trish or Jan W.