Sunday 16th February
Third Sunday before Lent
09.45 - Sunday Saints
10.00 - Sung Eucharist
Setting: Holy Trinity Service - Christopher Tambling
Anthem : Blessed are the pure of heart - Henry Walford Davies
368 - All my hope on God is founded
137 - Alleluia! Alleluia!
174 - Breathe on me breath of God
604 - Through all the changing scenes of life
Voluntary : Alla breve - J S Bach
Readings for the Eucharist here
Monday 17th February
11.00 - 13.30 - Warm Space at Unity Centre
Tuesday 18th February
08.45 - Morning Prayer
10.30 - Bible Study at 32 Exeter Gardens
11.30 - Funeral of Iris Matthews
Wednesday 19th February
08.45 - Morning Prayer
17.30 - Evening Prayer on Zoom. Invitation:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 5834 8925
Passcode: 870349
NO Evening Bible Study this week
Thursday 20th February
NO Morning Prayer
NO Little Saints
10.00 – Said Eucharist followed by coffee in The Crown
Friday 21st February
10.00 – 14:00 Coffee bar
NO Junior Choir rehearsal
NO Adult choir rehearsal
Next Sunday - Sunday 23rd February
Second Sunday before Lent
09.45 - Sunday Saints’
10.00 - Sung Eucharist
17.30 - Healing Service